Look back with gratitude
Well 2022 is almost done and I am truly grateful for what turned out to be a good year full of friendships and new ventures Thanks in the main to the generous support of of my friends & fellow artists who introduced me to great opportunities to show my work and endless encouragement. The beginning of the year was full of fun with a big birthday and some travel but there was little on the artistic horizon, the annual open studio event here was a little quieter than normal and one or two of the visitors I could have done without and then suddenly it felt like the energy changed and I had three shows on the horizon! Two solos:’ The Ripe Avocado waits for No man’ at Gallery 727, ‘Vegetal’ part of an Arts festival near Poitiers and a group show on the theme of ‘Storm’, the excitement fed into the work and I found the courage to experiment and play, combining my painting with textiles and stitch and producing a whole body of new work for the Ripe avocado show, which was very well received & sold well including a piece to Vancouver, Canada.
As part of the Arts festival I had the chance to work with children around the theme of ‘Vegetal’ bringing baskets of greenery in to the exhibition space for them to draw and answering some probing and sometimes hilarious questions, it was out of my comfort zone, but in a good way.
To all those who cheered me on, bought work, offered a helping hand, a word of encouragement and even to those who were unimpressed but resisted the urge to tell me so, I thank you …. you made my year